React v15.4.0 Released

Facebook React

The React team just announced the availability of React 15.4.0 – lots of changes with the major one being the explicit separation of React and React DOM. It should be a seamless change if you’ve been using a recent release of React. There’s also some updates to profiling your app in Chrome Dev Tools. The release notes can be found on GitHub, but here are the highlights:


  • React package and browser build no longer “secretly” includes React DOM. (@sebmarkbage in #7164 and #7168)
  • Required PropTypes now fail with specific messages for null and undefined. (@chenglou in #7291)
  • Improved development performance by freezing children instead of copying. (@keyanzhang in #7455)

React DOM

  • Fixed occasional test failures when React DOM is used together with shallow renderer. (@goatslacker in #8097)
  • Added a warning for invalid aria- attributes. (@jessebeach in #7744)
  • Added a warning for using autofocus rather than autoFocus. (@hkal in #7694)
  • Removed an unnecessary warning about polyfilling String.prototype.split. (@nhunzaker in #7629)
  • Clarified the warning about not calling PropTypes manually. (@jedwards1211 in #7777)
  • The unstable batchedUpdates API now passes the wrapped function’s return value through. (@bgnorlov in #7444)
  • Fixed a bug with updating text in IE 8. (@mnpenner in #7832)

React Perf

  • When ReactPerf is started, you can now view the relative time spent in components as a chart in Chrome Timeline. (@gaearon in #7549)

React Test Utils

  • If you call on a <input disabled onClick={foo} /> then foo will get called whereas it didn’t before. (@nhunzaker in #7642)

React Test Renderer

  • Due to packaging changes, it no longer crashes when imported together with React DOM in the same file. (@sebmarkbage in #7164 and #7168)
  • ReactTestRenderer.create() now accepts {createNodeMock: element => mock} as an optional argument so you can mock refs with snapshot testing. (@Aweary in #7649, #8261)